
 Hello.  My name is Grisselle Gonzalez.  My friends in High School used to call me GG.  They thought my name was difficult to pronounce so theyt wanted something short and sweet. Hense GG was born (as that stands for my initails). When I finished High School I had this great idea that I would become a lawyer, so I went to John Jay College of Criminal Justice for three and a half years, got pregnant and... there went my college days.  I didn't graduate that year.  I stayed home and took care of my son. When my son was three years old someone mentioned that John Jay College  had a daycare center inside the university. Voila!! I went back to school and finished my year off with my son. That was May 1985.

 At graduation one of my College friends asked me to accompany her to the Board of Education. She was going to fill out an application to work as a teacher for NYC.  We were in a hiring hall and one of the employees there asked me fill out an application too. I had no intentions since I was going to law school, but he said, "You can work as a teacher while you go to law school." I was young and naive and I thought that it would be a good idea. That September I started working as a teacher in Brooklyn, NY.  

Sometime during my High School and College years I got married.  Now I was married, had a son and a full time job as a teacher. I loved all of it, but I did not know how to cook.  There I was a wife, mother, teacher and I did not know how to make any real meals. So I started making up meals. I knew that meats with garlic always tasted good to me, so I added garlic to all my meats.I would ask people how they made their meals and I experimented with there ingredients.  When I went to restaurants I'd steal their menus (only if they listed the ingredients), then I'd try to replicate the meals. That is how my cooking days started.

Making up meals made me happy and it made me happier to watch others enjoy it. 

I want to thank my family, especially my children who have always been my guinea pigs.  They always enjoyed eating my food.


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